Whites Upcycled Project (WUP)

6-bundles-web-1024x822With approximately 12 million tons of textile waste being generated each year in North America amounting to approximately 68 lbs of waste per household per year —85% of which winding up in landfills, it’s time we both curb consumption and upcycle what we’re not wearing! Continue reading “Whites Upcycled Project (WUP)”

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Proyecto Muraleando

Check out Proyecto Muraleando, an incredible art space and project I visited and continue to work with in Havana, Cuba. The artist run and cooperatively governed El Tanque space, formerly a derelict water tank abandoned pre-revolution, raises funds using a community focused economic model where profits are invested right back into the project through the sale of the artists’ work locally and internationally. In turn, hundreds of children in inner city Havana receive free art classes and everyone in the neighbourhood gains the opportunity to participate in creative citizen engagement and placemaking. Todo es possible!

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